Thursday, May 7, 2009


The constant chatter in my mind is exhausting. I can quiet it while sitting in meditation but the real challenge is to be present at each moment of the day. I exhaust myself mentally multitasking, attempting psychic gymnastics hour after hour. For example, this morning I went out to check on my rooster, he somehow sliced the tendon on the back of one of his legs. Instead of giving him all my attention, I rehearsed a conversation I hope to have with my vet about my donkey, I re-ran the details of a meeting I went to last night, I made a mental list of all the things I have to do today.

I’ve found that when I find myself in the midst of a psychic triathlon if I shift my attention to my body everything slows down. The rhythms of my body are much slower than those of my mind. They are meant to be part of the same song, the song of myself. Everything seems to be going so fast around me and in my head and if body tries to keep up it exhausts itself.

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